Object2D options | Windows elemens
Общие атрибуты
Auto Horizontal
The Auto Horizontal check box automatically scrolls text to the left when it exceeds the width of the control. This attribute applies only to combo box controls.
The Border check box draws a border around the control. This attribute applies only to list boxes, edit text, and static controls.
The Disabled check box disables the control by graying it. This prevents the control from responding to user input. This attribute applies to all controls.
Group (не используется Stratum ом).
The Group check box identifies the first control in a group.
OEM Conversion
The OEM Conversion check box converts text the user enters to the current OEM character set, then reconverts the text to ANSI. This option is useful in file input boxes because it ensures that any file name entered will be translatable into the OEM character set, which is used by the DOS file system. This attribute applies only to combo box controls.
The Sorted check box automatically sorts items in a list box alphabetically. This attribute applies only to combo box controls и к спискам.
Tab Stop (используется Stratum ом)
The Tab Stop check box lets the user press Tab to access this control.
Vertical Scroll Always
Turn the Vertical Scroll Always check box on to always place a vertical scroll bar in the list box. The scroll bar is disabled when the list box doesn't contain enough items to scroll. This attribute applies only to combo box controls. This check box is displayed only when you run Resource Workshop under Windows 3.1.
Vertical Scroll
The Vertical Scroll check box puts a vertical scroll bar in the list box. This attribute applies only to combo box controls.
Single Line
# Edit (Строка ввода)
Read Only
The Read Only check box makes the edit text read-only. The user can't enter or modify text.
Want Return
The Want Return check box passes the Enter key into the edit buffer and does not perform the action for the default key. This attribute applies to multi-line text only.
Turn the Single Line radio button on to restrict the text the user types to a single line. This is the default.
Multiple Line
Turn the Multiple Line radio button on to let the user type text on multiple lines. (You choose how multiple-line text is scrolled with the Automatic Scroll check boxes.)
Use the Case radio buttons to choose how text is displayed when it's typed.
Case Insensitive
Turn the Case Insensitive radio button on to display text exactly as typed. This is the default.
Upper Case
Turn the Upper Case radio button on to display text in uppercase letters, regardless of how it's typed.
Lower Case
Turn the Lower Case radio button on to display text in lowercase letters, regardless of how it's typed.
# Combo - Box (выпадающий список)
Turn the Simple radio button on if you want the drop-down list to always expand to display items in the list. The user can edit the items in the list. This is the default.
Drop Down
Turn the Drop Down radio button on if you want the combo box to consist of a single line of editable text when the dialog box is first displayed. The user can click the down arrow to expand the list, and edit all items in the list.
Drop Down List
Turn the Drop Down List radio button on if you want the combo box to work just like a drop down combo box, but contain a static list instead of an editable list. The user can select an item in the list, but can't change anything.
# Списки
Integral Height
The Integral Height check box sizes the list box at run time so all items in the list are completely displayed (the default). If you need to precisely control the height of the list box, turn this option off. This attribute applies only to combo box controls.
# Кнопки (CheckBox, RadioButton, Button)
The Button Type radio buttons define the type of buttons to include in your dialog box.
Window text
Текст кнопки
Push Button
Turn on the Push Button radio button to define a button containing text. When the user clicks the button, a BN_CLICKED message is sent to the parent window.
Default Push Button
Turn the Default Push Button radio button to define a button containing text. It's identical to a push button, but also includes a bold border indicating that it's the default response when the user presses Enter.
Check Box
Turn the Check Box radio button on to define a small, rectangular button that can include text to the left or right of the button. The box is marked with an X when it's selected. It's the application's responsibility to check and uncheck the box when the user turns the box on or off.
Auto Check Box
Turn the Auto Check Box radio button on to define a check box that's identical to a regular check box, but Windows does the checking and unchecking instead of the application.
Turn the 3-state radio button on to define a button that's identical to a check box. In addition to being on or off, the button has a third state - it can be grayed to show that its state is unknown or indeterminate. It's the application's responsibility to check, uncheck, and dim the box.
Auto 3-State
Turn the Auto Three State radio button on to define a button that's identical to a 3-state button, but Windows does the checking, unchecking, and dimming instead of the application program.
Radio Button
Turn the Radio Button radio button on to define a small, circular button that has identifying text to the left or right. When it's selected, the circle is filled with a solid dot and all other mutually exclusive choices are turned off. It's the application's responsibility to fill or clear the dot when the user turns the button on or off.
Radio buttons must appear in groups. Usually, a group of radio buttons presents the user with a group of mutually exclusive options.
When a the user clicks a radio button, the button sends a BN_CLICKED message to the parent window.
Auto Radio Button
Turn the Auto Radio Button radio button on to define a button that's identical to a radio button, but Windows fills or clears the dot instead of the application.
Group Box
Turn the Group Box radio button on to define a box that groups buttons. You can also include a caption in the upper left corner of the group box.
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